By: Doctor Nuhu Solomon Anyegwu
WISDOM is the principal thing, therefore in all your gettings, obtain wisdom
This underscores the importance of wisdom especially in Leadership, if in the Holy writ this can be so emphasised and noted .therefore for any leader to be successful, fruitful and result oriented in his / her activities, getting wisdom and applying wisdom is necessary and indispensable. In contemporary times, leadership failures is rampant and on the increase at different levels, beginning from home through communities,homestead, villages, towns, cities, local government, states, nations, regions and the world. The reasons are not farfetched, lack of wisdom in leadership, greed, lack of social consideration, absence of fear of God, lack of preparation for leadership, inordinate ambition, no chance and room for personal development, absence of emotional intelligence, not giving heed to good counsel from experienced individuals and experts, incorrigible attitudes amongst others. Leadership is of God, therefore all leaders should see themselves as being enthroned by God to represent Him on earth, therefore all leaders are servants of the people who should employ their ingenuity, intelligence, resources, wealth of experiences and expertise to bring dividends of democracy, leadership and governance to the people governed. Beside, bringing peace, progress and prosperity to the people not personal aggrandisement, acquiring enmass wealth that individuals may not need them because there are superfluous. Wisdom is needed in leaders and leadership in the following areas, viz: > Wisdom for planning, budgeting and execution of projects for the community ,organisation or state you represent or you are leading. This Wisdom will make the leader to carry his / her subjects in the conception, planning, execution and appraisals of projects which make the projects people centred, useful and valuable to the people. > Wisdom to know everyone is important in the community, organisation or State and to ensure everyone is carried along in everything. Suffice to state that this may not be easy but a leader that wants to be good, fruitful and productive must strive to do this. He / she must discerningly identify opinion leaders , intelligent members of the organisation, problem individuals, those that are resistant to change, innovative and developmental oriented persons and good spirited individuals in such communities, organisations or States for such a leader to apply wisdom in handling all of them in order to succeed. >Wisdom is essential in appointment of right persons to help the leader in the effective management of the community, organisation or State . If wrong people are put in places of leadership, be sure , the overall leader will fail woefully. Therefore, ability to discern, identify and select right leaders in any community, organisation or State is wisdom at work in leadership that will succeed. If leaders are appointed or selected not based on merit, competence, wealth of experience and ability to deliver but premised on biasses, tribalism, nepotism, favouritism and sentiments, such a leader allowing all these is bound to fail. > Wisdom is essential in a leader for proper monitoring and evaluation for early detection of errors, mistakes, ommission and flaws for possible corrections and adjustments. This is necessary if not a leader may be underperforming, commiting serious offences to followers, misbehaving and engaging in unsatisfactory conducts without knowing perhaps because of unnecessary sycophancy. >Wisdom is needed in leaders for conflict resolution and. management. A leader who does not manage crises to resolve them but throw away every subject , follower or worker that does wrong or make mistakes may be throwing away ”jewels’ of great value and price. Therefore, managing every member of the community or worker in the State is wisdom in display and not weakness or compromise on the part of leaders as many erroneously opined. Therefore seek for peace in all crises ,resolve and carry along. > Wisdom is necessary in leaders in proffering solutions to new or existing problems. Most leaders are fond of shifting blames to past administration’s leadership instead of fixing the problem. Many atimes it is because such emerging leaders lack the capacity, competence and charisma to solve problems, hence the blame game or shift. > Wisdom is indispensable in leaders to get feedback from the subjects whether they are performing well or not.This is necessary for early adjustment avoiding regrets at the end of such leadership. > Wisdom is pivotal in leadership to ensure continuity and not arriving at your cross road of leadership of ones life. If wisdom is lacking in leadership when you have finished misbehaving in position of leadership , you would have come to an end of your leadership career because no one will suggest, nominate or support you for any leadership position again in life, some even end up in jail or executed because of corruption, misbehaviors or highhandedness . In conclusion, any person in position of leadership or aspiring to be a leader should pray for God to grant him/ her wisdom to lead for that is the crux of the matter,and in getting and applying that wisdom in leadership, fruitfulness, productivity and result orientedness can no longer be a mirrage in administration, governance or leadership. , COMRADE (DR) NUHU SOLOMON ANYEGWU, FWPCEH, FIPSN, FAIPHP, FBNP, FCIML(USA), FIAMP,) Ambassador of Peace, UN, Ambassador of ECOWAS YOUTH COUNCIL, Ambassador of Common Wealth Society of Nigeria/ UK,Global Good Governance Ambassador, immediate past Provost, College of Health Sciences and Technology, Idah kogi state , Nigeria, West Africa , writes from Idah
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